Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lesson Learned from Japan earthquake

Nature is powerful and in its vicinity human advancement is worthless. Japan 8.9 magnitude earthquake has hammered humankind and its achievements to wonder about the power of nature. Despite being the number one country in the disaster preparedness regarding earthquake, Japan faced such a huge loss of mankind and economy. This event needs to awake us of upcoming disaster events in our surroundings. It is the prime time we need to get prepared.
Nepal rank eleventh position among earthquake risk countries in the world and it would be of no exceptions if upcoming disaster event lined up in the nature’s womb for our place. It has already predicted that, 60% of the infrastructure in Kathmandu will collapse and casualties will occur in million even if 8.3 magnitude earthquake happens. This event has questioned us about the preparation we have made for such disaster events. Are we prepared for such devastation? What is the mechanism we have developed for emergency response? Are we aware of the precautionary activities during earthquake events? We must take this event as a warning and start to find the answer of these questions.

Monday, January 17, 2011

"DUCK COVER AND HOLD" precaution to be safe during Earthquake Disaster

Honorable Prime Minister, Home Minister and UNDP residential Chief to Nepal practicing Duck, Cover and Hold position to be safe during Earthquake disaster in a program to mark National Earthquake Day at Kathmandu

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Earthquake Safety Day Celebrated

 Earthquake safety day was marked by the country yesterday with the slogan" Earthquake Safety through community action, using knowledge, skills and building code" . Honorable Prime minister Madhav Kumar Nepal inaugurated the program. He also initiated the Nation wide Duck,Cover and Hold practice which was practiced with the alarm broadcast by Radio Nepal at 2.27 PM , Jan 16. The photos of the program can be viewed at the link below.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


बताबरणिय चुनौती सामना गर्न हामी कति सछम छौ / भोलि हाम्रा रासाइनिक मल भण्डार गरिएका ठाउँ मा यस्तो दुर्घटना भयको खण्डमा  

तपाई को घर अगाडी पनि भोलि यसरी रासायनिक मल को खोला नहोला  त ?

 खोला, तापई अनि भबिस्य
  हामी तयार छौ  त यो सामना गर्न ? यो प्रस्न को उतर खोज्नु हाम्रा लागी हंगेरी दुर्घटना को पाठ हुनु पर्छ  /

माछा हेर्नुस त............